Black History Month STYLIN': Carter G. Woodson

DAY 1: Carter G. Woodson

Carter G. Woodson - Historian, Writer
Born: December 19th, 1975
Died: April 3rd, 1950

Carter G. Woodson was known as the "Father of Black History Month", which originally began as Black History Week in 1926. Woodson, alongside minister Jesse E. Moorland sponsored the week as part of their organization, the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, currently known as the Association for the Study of African-American Life and History.

In 1926, "National Negro Week" began the second week of February in correlation with the birthdays of Fredrick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln. 

Other Woodson Facts
  • Carter G. Woodson wrote the world renowned book The Mis-Education of the Negro.
  • He was born in New Canton, Virginia.
  • Woodson was one of the first Black men to receive a doctorate from Harvard University.

"In the long run, there is not much discrimination against superior talent. It constrains men to recognize it."
Carter G. Woodson

For more on Carter G. Woodson check out