GET IT GIRRRL: Jada Pinkett Smith

Jada Pinkett Smith is a modern day Saint. She is talented, beautiful, and outspoken. Starting with television and film acting, then music, then writing, directing and all things above, she has now become an uber amazing inspirational super-mom.

Ms. Pinkett Smith always has words of wisdom, and she is a family woman by far.

I just recently started to "follow" Jada Pinkett Smith on facebook, and that is one decision I do not regret. She talks about issues such as body image, family, and sisterhood; three things she cares for deeply.

I could go on and on about Jada, but I think you guys need to see it for yourself! To like Jada Pinkett Smith on facebook, click here.

Now check out some stylin' pics, of this stylin' chick:

Source: Redbook